Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Glory Days

HAHAHAHAHAHA~! I was looking at the posts that I had composed and never published and this is one that I created at the beginning of my Half Marathon journey 10 or more weeks ago. 3 it seems so "pedestrian" as I would jokingly tell the kids.

 So, it might not be quite common knowledge, but I am running a Half Marathon, The Illinois Marathon on April 27, 2013. I started this journey to health more than a year ago and I have kept at it now for a year. I started thinking about it in June when Michael was diagnosed and it has gotten to the point of "why not". On one hand it is a crazy idea, I am 48 years old, weigh more than the charts say I should and have never been a runner. BUT, I remember the glory days. I played sports in high school and wasn't all that bad at them. Never the best, but could always be counted on when the chips were down. I have some stellar soccer memories, some goals, some injuries and in fact was inducted into the Serena High School Athletic Hall of Fame a few years ago. I remember during the induction, I was thinking, "I bet no one that knows me now would ever believe that I was an athlete". Well, at 48 years old, I am again transitioning from a couch potato to an athlete and I pray that this time it sticks. The Half Marathon training program is 16 weeks. I just finished week 2 which required a 4 mile "Long Run". I was grumpy about it, I was afraid I couldn't do it, but I know that I need to follow the plan or I will not be successful in my Half Marathon attempt and I will be a Finisher. SO after mile 3 of the "long run", I got to thinking about the fact that I would indeed finish this first long run and that in 16 weeks, I'll be finishing the Half Marathon and how glorious it will be to cross the finish line at the 50 yard line of Memorial Stadium and strike my "Victory Pose". I almost started to cry. It will be so cool at 48 to have an athletic Glory Day again.I'll keep you posted.

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